PT Tips: Stay Active No Matter What Age

Posted on Jul 03, 2015

Posted in: PT Tips

Staying active throughout life plays a crucial part in both mental and physical health. According to the World Health Organization, only 22% of the population 65 years and older continues to exercise regularly and that number splits in half as adults reach the age of 85 years of age. With less time spent exercising, we are putting ourselves at risk for a number of chronic diseases such a heart disease, type two diabetes and stroke. It also leads to poor bone health (especially in women) increased blood pressure, obesity, increased risk for falls, decreased mood and decreased quality of life. With experience working with older adults, there are a ton of ways for everyone to meet the exercise recommendations.

What is recommended for older adults and exercise?

What are the benefits of exercise?

apple with tape measure and weights


Here are my personal favorite workouts designed just for older adults: