Rachel Cindia | DPT

Physical Therapist

[email protected]

Welcome the newest member of the PEAK team! Everywhere she goes, Rachel leads with a smile. She started her scholastic pursuit as a chemical engineer but, lucky for us, soon realized her calling was in helping people on an infinitively more personal level. 

In Rachel’s view, Physical Therapy holds a very special place in a patient’s healthcare team. It offers a uniquely close relationship with more one-on-one time than almost any other practice. That’s where the friendly face and being a good listener come in handy. 

Rachel finds the most reward in “discharge day”— celebrating the success of her patient’s achieving therapy goals and being released to daily activity with a new lease on life.

What drew Rachel to our team? Beyond PEAK’s reputation for outstanding outcomes, Rachel was immediately drawn in by the friendly atmosphere and team spirit we all cherish and share. She knows well the value of positive energy when it comes to patients and practitioners alike achieving their goals. 

Rachel is a proclaimed adventurist! She loves being outdoors and staying active with as hiking, biking, fishing, and kayaking. 

A native of Ohio, Rachel is a fresh transplant to America’s Dairyland, thanks to her Wisconsin-raised fiancé. New job. New house. And even a puppy in the works! She claims to love Wisconsin so far… even accepting her destiny to become a bona fide cheese-head! 


Clinical Experience & Certifications