Achieve Your Professional Peak


When it feels right, you just know.

If you share a passion for the pursuit of wellbeing and excellence in a vibrant, respectful, friendly and family-like environment, you’ll find yourself at home at PEAK Performance.


collage of photos - Peak Performance logo on glass window and Physical therapist working with teen athlete

Who we are.

We are a boutique, independent physical therapy clinic in Northeast Wisconsin with a long-standing reputation for the best outcomes in the Fox Valley…and beyond. We’re committed to making a real difference in the lives of our patients through compassion, commitment, and comprehensive understanding. We believe in treating the root-cause of a challenge as opposed to just the symptoms, so the effects of time spent with our patients are real and lasting.



Man holding free weights at arms length
Our patients see only licensed therapists…we don’t employ assistants. We’re at our patient’s side every step of the way. Fundamentally we put quality care ahead of profits. But in the end, this has proven to be the path that’s most efficient, productive and successful for all.

Like family.

Whether you’re a therapist or administrative staff, we work as a team to provide the best possible experience. We’re all part of a family…patients and staff alike. It is our shared passion for the pursuit of wellbeing, learning, and excellence in a friendly environment that sets us apart. What might sound old-fashioned is what puts us at the leading edge of a new generation in healthcare.

Professional development.

Physical Therapy is an ever-evolving art form. In striving for the best care for our patients comes we employ an organic, ever-evolving pursuit of learning that cannot be prescribed. We offer a unique alternative to positions within larger healthcare corporations or franchise clinics. Our PTs are given the freedom to flourish through the pursuit of individual passions and specialties. At PEAK our approach to continuing education and professional development is boundless.

Residency Program vs. PEAK Approach

A formal residency or fellowship program does not work for everyone, and can actually be limiting for some. By subscribing to a residency, you are typically buying into one school of thought. Many of the most celebrated PTs have not emerged from traditional residencies. They grew to be leaders in our field through fluid exploration and direct learning from others in the practice. Our organic approach to continuing education gives you the freedom to chart your own course. Through our research-based approach, we engage in workshops and conferences where learning comes directly from veteran leaders and emerging pioneers in our field. It’s an exciting approach to continued eduction that we’re proud to share with incoming members to our team.

Intra-Programming @ PEAK

On a weekly and/or monthly basis we provide opportunities for staff to learn from one another. Some of the more formal ways we do that is through the following internal programs.


Last word is always our patient’s.




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