Posted on May 19, 2016
Posted in: Couch to 5K
Hello Friends and welcome back to my couch to 5k journey. Thank you for joining me here each week. It has been a rewarding experience and I have enjoyed these moments of reflection on this blog. After nine weeks of training we have finally arrived at our longest distance yet: 3.5 miles. As I have mentioned in an earlier post I have tried running at various points in my life but failed with each attempt. I didn’t stick with it long enough to build up any endurance or confidence. Now I have both and I have this program to thank for it. I joined because a friend had recommended it to me. Now I am recommending it to you. Mostly I wanted to challenge myself to try something that had been difficult in the past. But your reasons might be different. You may want to improve your fitness or lose weight or meet new people or have more energy or be a role model. Maybe you want to do all these things. And, yes, there is a race at the end of the program but it’s not about completing your first 5K. This program is about changing your mindset, adjusting your lifestyle and becoming the best version of yourself. Whatever your reasons, just say yes. There are barriers, I know. I felt them too. Your mind will tell you lies that sound something like this: “You are too old, too fat, too slow”, “You look stupid”, “You will fail”, “You are not a runner and never will be”. But trust me, if you ignore these rantings and just get out there, all the other pieces will fall into place. You will not regret it.
Okay, that’s my spiel. On to my report for the week. On Tuesday it was rainy and cold. I think we have run the gamut for weather during this program – sun, clouds, rain, wind, and sleet. It rained our whole run and I might have stepped in more than one very deep puddle. We took the path by Thrivent which is more scenic than running though neighborhoods. I even spied some deer along the way. On Thursday it was much more pleasant. Both runs were great and I feel strong. I think I am ready for the race. I will see you back here for my last update on race day. Until then, keep running!