Posted on Jan 08, 2017
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Kari obtained her Bachelor of Science degree in Physical Therapy from Marquette University. She then went on to earn her Doctorate in Physical Therapy from Massachusetts General Hospital Institute of Health Professionals with an emphasis in lower extremity bio-mechanics and running related injuries. Kari is one of a few therapists working in Wisconsin certified as a clinical specialist in Orthopedic Physical Therapy.
She has several other continuing education and professional achievements to her credit, all of which are mentioned on this site and we encourage you to take a minute to read.
The purpose of our bio series is to get to know everyone on a more personal level so we asked Kari some questions and of course brought back the popular Two Lies and a Truth…
1. She broke her pelvis mountain biking.
2. She bungee corded off the Sydney Harbour Bridge.
3. Sea urchin is her favorite delicacy.
Like always, you’re going to need to read on for the answers...
“I love to travel. Since I have a three year-old I haven’t done as much traveling as in previous years. However this fall I finally worked up the nerve, we boarded a plane and set off across the pond! I have very dear friends that live in Rennes, France and we were able to have a wonderful visit with them. We traveled the northern coast of France- walked the beaches, explored ancient fortresses, and wandered through quaint villages. Of course being in France, we enjoyed a lot of cheese. An added bonus to the trip was getting to see my best friend from high school; she and her family had recently moved to Paris. We are both horrible at keeping in touch and hadn’t seen each other in 15 years. We joked that it only took her moving to another continent for us to finally get together. My son loved playing with her children and visiting the “weiffel” tower.“
“I also love cooking and have been known to spend an entire day in the kitchen! Since the birth of my son I am more efficient in the kitchen leading me to become creative with our meal planning. I like starting the week by making something like roast chicken which I can then turn into other meals throughout the week like chicken salad, tacos or soup. My love of cooking is complimented by a love of gardening. My veggie garden has taken over my backyard, with passersby often stopping to gawk at my tomato plants. I love preserving my produce so we can enjoy it throughout the year.”
“I’m also quite an environmentalist, I compost and recycle as much as possible. My son and I try to walk or bike most of our errands. I enjoy running with my son in a stroller. As he grows it becomes more of a workout- he is getting kind of heavy. I love the challenge!”
“The last little known tidbit about me is that I enjoy knitting. I learned as a child from my mother and grandmother. My childhood was spent knitting halves of many things. I put down my knitting needles during my high school and college years, and then a couple years ago I realized I needed a winter activity, so I resumed knitting and haven’t stopped since. I mostly make kids sweaters, hats and baby blankets. I’m not great at sizing, so it’s probably best that my subjects are still growing.”
“I hate winter and spend it wondering how many days there are until spring. I trick myself into running outside and trying to remain active. Anyone have any ideas on how to enjoy the winter? I’m open to suggestions.“
Now back to Kari’s two lies and a truth:
The truth is #1! As Kari describes it, it wasn’t the mountain biking that broke her pelvis, it was landing after the epic flight through the air. “I was in denial, climbed back on the bike and tried to complete the ride. After I fell off again, I realized I was indeed hurt.”
Kari admits to being terrified of heights. While she has toured the Sydney Harbour Bridge it was done while being securely fastened to a safety rail.
As for sea urchin being her favorite delicacy, she is adamant that it’s the worst thing she’s ever eaten.